Browser Based Model

Artificial Intelligence is starting to live everywhere, especially in your browser

Browser-based AI has several advantages. Running AI in the browser can speed up some AI operations — such as sentiment analysis, hand gesture detection and style transfer by executing them directly on the client. It can eliminate the need for background application programming interface requests to cloud-based resources, thereby simplifying and accelerating AI apps’ end-to-end flow.

It can also provide the AI app with direct access to rich data from client-side sensors, such as webcams, microphones, GPS and gyroscopes. It addresses privacy concerns by retaining browser-based AI data in the client. And not least, it brings AI within reach of the vast pool of Web developers who work in JavaScript and other client-side languages, frameworks and tools.

Visual AID to explain the Fourier Series Harmonics

Introducing visual AID to explain the Fourier Series Harmonics is the solution to often seemingly difficult applied Mathematical concepts. At Validus Analytics we use p5.js library to facilitate and render
such BROWSER BASED animations equipped with User interactive