Design Thinking for A.I.

Design Thinking for AI

Interdisciplinary is the way to go henceforth. At Validus Analytics we conceived this notion to merge the principles of DESIGN THINKING and A.I. Extended it to identify and solve day to day problems with Humans at the center (Human Centric Design) followed by the usage of AI capabilities to enhance the solutions provided.

long term goal

Long Term Goals to be

● Embrace Inter disciplinary and inter functional TEAMS
● Realign who owns Technological innovation. ( not the onus of DL/AI engineers alone)
● Partner Smart Employees with Smart Technology.
● Focus on USER needs(DT) and Customer outcomes ( AI ROI )

UCD - User Centered Design

User-Centered design is an iterative design process in which designers focus on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process. The aim of the process is to capture and address the whole user experience, with close user involvement, product are more likely to meet user’s expectations and requirement

Dental Hygiene Assistant Improving Brace wearing experience through User centric A.I Design.


Ophthalmologists find it extremely imperative that their patients who wear braces follow a strict maintenance regime. The primary goal was to design braces follow a strict maintenance regime. The primary goal was to design and develop a web interface that offered a GAME theory based reward to the kids for brushing regularly and collecting data that assists the dentist for future diagnosis.

Defining the problem

Kids in the age bracket of 3- 10 often find it difficult to cope up with long periods of enduring the braces.These USERs need a customizable application that can help them stay motivated. The dentist and parents inturn can keep a track of potential behaviours assisting them efficiently monitor the process and keep the kids motivated all along. Validus Analytics understood the current scenario in which the current users performed this seemingly mundane activity twice a day.

The problems identified were :
1. Kids with braces often struggled with  maintaining their daily routine.
2. Ophthalmologists needed methods to monitor this very activity for every patient. Create a log and correlate the progress of the final dental structure planned.


The design team at Validus Analytics crafted an attractive web browser based interface application for all users making sure that the doctor and the parents received status updates daily. We developed an app by including a webcam which accesses the user action and developed a feature which calculated the duration of brushing in real time and displayed the same on the screen. Our AI team ensured that the user was provided exact visual cues of the remaining time. The AVATAR for every user was customized which further enhanced the engagement of the kid in the actual brushing activity.

In the absence of internet connectivity, the web app facilitates collection of the user data offline and uploads the collected metrics later. This application empowers the ophthalmologists by increasing their diagnostic abilities via automated customized user data via real time data capture without the video images leaving the device thereby securing the data.

User Centric

● The web-based design being user-centric, led to elimination of monitoring the kid over the brushing activity.

● It ensured the fact that brushing was being conducted regularly without being physically monitored.

● It saves crucial analysis time of the trips to the ophthalmologist’s office was securing an appointment did not ensure an actual meeting due to extended time periods spent gathering this very data.

Increased Customer Base

Increased Banker’s Efficiency

Enables Tracking of Agents

Reduces Training Requirement

Enables Capturing Online & Offline Data

Creates Application in Short Time

A Two Day Interdisciplinary Workshop

On 24th and 25th February 2021, Anand Khandekar and his team in collaboration with Vishwaniketan Institute of Design conducted the 2 day workshop “Design Thinking for Artificial Intelligence” which focussed on combining the two domains into one for creating cutting edge technology solutions. This workshop was attended by 20 participants from the Design and Machine Learning fields. During the workshop, attendees shared opinions, thoughts and suggestions for undertaking interdisciplinary pilot projects and further modes of continued engagement.

Project 1:

Attendance Front end layout design formats: Artificial empathy (AE) or computational empathy is the development of AI systems − such as companion robot or virtual agents − that are able to detect and respond to human emotions in an empathic way.

Project 2:

Driver Drowsiness Detection The scariest part is that drowsy driving isn’t just falling asleep while driving. Drowsy driving can be small as a brief state of unconsciousness when the driver is not paying full attention to the road.